
It is of continual importance for Atlas International Relocations to maintain a winning team of employees in order to meet the challenges in our industry.


Logistics is a people business, and people are Atlas’ most important asset. We are committed to creating real value for employees through rewarding careers, workplace quality and work-life balance. At Atlas, we believe in true openness and transparency throughout the Group, and our management actively encourages open communication and dialogue at every level of the organization. 

We respect our people and understand their perspectives. From there, we build trust and find ways to work together and deliver win-win solutions. We believe in excellence and practice a continuous process of improvement and innovation.



In the spirit of care and concern for the elderly, youth and disadvantaged groups, we believe in giving back.

When it comes to community services, Atlas’ key target groups include the less-privileged, the children and the elderly. We are committed to supporting local non-governmental organizations and those in need directly or through partnership with our customers and partners, whenever opportunities arise.


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